My Publications List

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Recent Publications (* HCERES ranking)


[1] H. Bouscasse, I. Joly, and P. Bonnel. “How does environmental concern influence mode choice habits? A mediation analysis”. In: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (2018), pp. 205-222.

[2] H. Bouscasse, I. Joly, and J. Peyhardi. “A new family of qualitative choice models: An application of reference models to travel mode choice”. In: Transportation Research Part B (2019), pp. 74-91.

[3] H. Bouscasse, I. Joly, and J. Peyhardi. “Comparison of Link Functions Specifications of Generalized Linear Models: Application to Travel Mode Choice”. In: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2606 (2017).

[4] A. Boutinot, I. Joly, V. Mangematin, et al. “Exploring the Links between Reputation and Fame: Evidence from French Contemporary Architecture”. In: Organization Studies 38.10 (2017), pp. 1397-1420.

[5] M. Carrere, I. Joly, and D. Rousseliere. “De la longévité coopérative. Une approche non-paramétrique de la dynamique des coopératives agricoles françaises”. In: Revue Internationale de l’Economie Sociale 320 (2011), pp. 82-98.

[6] Y. Crozet and I. Joly. “Budgets temps de transport : les sociétés tertiaires confrontées â la gestion paradoxale du”bien le plus rare"". In: les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport 45 (2004), pp. 27-48.

[7] I. Joly. “Stability or regularity of the Daily Travel Time in Lyon? Application of a duration model”. In: International Journal of Transport Economics XXXIII.3 (2006), pp. 369-400.

[8] I. Joly, S. Masson, and R. Petiot. “Les déterminants de la demande en transport collectif urbains : comparaison internationale et analyse économétrique”. In: les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport 50 (2006), pp. 91-120.

[9] I. Joly and S. Vincent-geslin. “Intensive travel time: an obligation or a choice?” In: European Transport Research Review 8.10 (2016), p. 14.

[10] C. Michaud, I. Joly, D. Llerena, et al. “Consumers’ preferences for eco-innovative products: elicitation of willingness to pay for upgradeable products”. In: International Journal of Sustainable Development 20.1/2 (2017), pp. 8-32.

[11] C. Michaud, D. Llerena, and I. Joly. “Willingness to pay for environmental attributes of non-food products: a real choice experiment”. In: European Review of Agricultural Economics 40.2 (2013), pp. 313-329.

[12] C. Raux, M. T-y, I. Joly, et al. “Travel and activity time allocation: an empirical comparison between cities in Europe”. In: Transport Policy 18 (2011), pp. 401-412.

[13] D. Rousseliere and I. Joly. “A propos de la capacité a survivre des coopératives: Une étude de la relation entre âge et mortalité des organisations coopératives agricoles françaises”. In: Revue d’Etude en Agriculture et Environnement 92.3 (2011), pp. 259-289.

[14] S. Vincent-geslin and I. Joly. “Raisons et pratiques de la pendularité intensive. Le temps de trajet, entre temps subi et temps choisi”. In: Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport 61 (2012), pp. 159-186.

[15] M. T. Y., C. Raux, E. Cornelis, et al. “Multi-state non-homogeneous semi-markov model of daily activity type, timing and duration sequence, Transportation Research Record”. In: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2134 (2009), pp. 123-134.

More References

[1] I. Joly. “Combien de temps passons-nous dans les transports ?” In: Recherche & Equipement, Approche territoriale 7 (2007).

[2] I. Joly, S. Masson, and R. Petiot. “Les déterminants de la part modale des transports en commun de 100 villes du monde”. In: Transport 420 (2003), pp. 220-226.

Chapitres [1] Y. Crozet and I. Joly. “Budgets temps de transport : les sociétés tertiaires confrontées â la gestion paradoxale du”bien le plus rare"". In: les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport 45 (2004), pp. 27-48.

[2] I. Joly. “Combien de temps passons-nous dans les transports ?” In: Recherche & Equipement, Approche territoriale 7 (2007).

[3] I. Joly. “Les budgets-temps de transport, dans”. In: Ville et Mobilité. Ed. by B. G.. Coll. Méthodes et Approches, Economica, 2013, pp. 193-207.

[4] I. Joly. “Stability or regularity of the Daily Travel Time in Lyon? Application of a duration model”. In: International Journal of Transport Economics XXXIII.3 (2006), pp. 369-400.

[5] I. Joly, S. Masson, and R. Petiot. “Les déterminants de la demande en transport collectif urbains : comparaison internationale et analyse économétrique”. In: les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport 50 (2006), pp. 91-120.

[6] I. Joly, S. Masson, and R. Petiot. “Les déterminants de la part modale des transports en commun de 100 villes du monde”. In: Transport 420 (2003), pp. 220-226.

[7] C. Raux, M. T-y, I. Joly, et al. “Travel and activity time allocation: an empirical comparison between cities in Europe”. In: Transport Policy 18 (2011), pp. 401-412.

[8] D. Rousseliere and I. Joly. “A propos de la capacité a survivre des coopératives: Une étude de la relation entre âge et mortalité des organisations coopératives agricoles françaises”. In: Revue d’Etude en Agriculture et Environnement 92.3 (2011), pp. 259-289.

[9] M. T. Y., C. Raux, E. Cornelis, et al. “Multi-state non-homogeneous semi-markov model of daily activity type, timing and duration sequence, Transportation Research Record”. In: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2134 (2009), pp. 123-134.


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Iragaël Joly
Assistant Professor, Doctor in Economics & Data Scientist

My research interests include consumption and behavior econometric modelling applied to transport, food and innovative products.