First Post

Construction Journal


Publishing with RStudio, blogdown, Hugo, Github, Netlify is like swimming in a open ocean: new version appears, post and tutos are getting out-dated and/or up-dated \(\rightarrow\) you have to adapt your code writing, reasonning

adaptability is the key

In this ocean some points are my lighthouses:

Sources, references and inspiration

I have been using many sources of inspiration. Here are those that I visit again frequently:

First step Synchronising with GitHub

R packages Git and GitHub:

Some Git instructions

Synchronise a local folder with a repo - WITHOUT R

  1. Locate the local folder to be sync. cd C:/Users/ijoly.INRA/Desktop/Dir_GI/Institut_IA/ChaireIA_Indus40/MIAI_lemaire/Metropolis
  2. Initiate the git-folder git init
    git remote add origin
  3. Check the repo git remote -v
  4. First commit git commit -m "Initial commit"
  5. Push git push -u origin master
  6. Pull git pull origin master
Iragaël Joly
Assistant Professor, Doctor in Economics & Data Scientist

My research interests include consumption and behavior econometric modelling applied to transport, food and innovative products.