
Iragaël Joly

Assistant Professor, Doctor in Economics & Data Scientist

Industriel Engineering and Management School - Grenoble Inp


I am Doctor in Economics, Assistant Professor at University Grenoble Alpes in Industriel Engineering and Management School of Grenoble Inp and researcher at Grenoble Applied Economics Lab.

My fields of interests are in econometrics of choice modeling, duration modeling and structural equation modeling applied to transportation and behavioral economics. More specifically, my works focus on transport choices (travel mode and travel time), consumption choices (sustainable and innovative products) and almost unmeasurable things (firm survival and reputation level). I have published in several peer-reviewed academic journals including International Journal of Sustainable Development, European Review of Agricultural Economics, European Transport Research Review, International Journal of Transport Economics, Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies, Transport Policy, Transportation Research Record.

Some parts of this website are still under construction. Some parts are in English, others are in French…


  • Econometrics, Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • Discrete Choice Modeling, Survival Analysis, Structural Equation Modelling
  • Dynamic Document Edition


  • HDR in Economics, 2017

    Lyon University

  • PhD in Economics, 2005

    Lyon University

  • Master in Economics, 1999

    Toulouse School of Economics (TSE)

Selected Publications

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A new family of qualitative choice models - An application of reference models to travel mode choice

This paper considers the recently introduced family of reference models dedicated to non-ordered alternatives. The link function of …

Consumers' willingness to pay for sustainable and innovative products - a choice experiment with upgradeable products

Upgradeable products are designed to allow sequential improvements during their lifetime. We use a discrete choice experiment to assess …

How does environmental concern influence mode choice habits? A mediation analysis

We approach the indirect utility of public transport by measuring perceptions of time and feelings.

Exploring the Links between Reputation and Fame - Evidence from French Contemporary Architecture

Based on a unique database of 103 architectural companies in France, our analysis uses structural equation modelling (SEM) combined …

Talks & Courses

Econometrics of Qualitative Variables

Introduction Bienvenue sur la page présentant le cours Econométrie des Variables Qualitatives 2019, pour le M2 C2ES à la faculté de …


IA and Econometrics for Choice Modelling

Research Project: Comparaison de performance de modèles de choix discret de consommation.

Digital technologies & Circular Economy

Research Project: Digital technologies in circular economy transition: Evidences from case studies.

Digital technologies & Circular Economy

Digital technologies in circular economy transition: Evidences from case studies.

Digital transformation and organization: digital goods, eco-system and markets

New course opening in 2020: Digital transformation and organization: digital goods, eco-system and markets

Smart Analytics for BigData

New course opening in 2020 - Smart Analytics for BigData with B. Agard (PolyMontréal-LID) - Commun Course at Grenoble Génie …

Recent Posts

Easy blogdown and Git-Repo with RStudio

Une note rapide pour créer un blogdown connecté à un repo sur GitHub et le synchroniser avec RStudio Step 1: Créer le repo sur Github …

My Publications List

My Publications List performed with RefManageR package Recent Publications (* HCERES ranking) References [1] H. Bouscasse, I. Joly, …

RStudio and Git tutorial

Initial set up Installation de Git (application) Windows: http://git-scm.com/download/win. OS X: http://git-scm.com/download/mac. …

Bibliography Management

Citation, references and bibliography may take some times. Especially if you do not anticipate that. Here are some tricks or solutions …

On the Multiple Uses of RStudio - in construction

Trying to list the courses I have on the work, it appears that everything turns around R & RStudio. Is it a behavioral bias, a …


Iragaël Joly

Assistant Professor at Industrial Engineering & Management School at Grenoble Institute of Technology in Economics, Econometrics and Statistics Researcher at Grenoble Applied Economics Laboratory (GAEL) Contact Skills Economics Data Science, data analysis Communication to scientific and general public R & R Studio Sas Stata SQL QGIS & Python Research Experience Assistant Professor & Researcher - Current-2007 Grenoble Institute of Engineering - Industrial Engineering and Management School


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  • Monday 08:00 to 12:00
    Wednesday 09:00 to 12:00
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